The world revolve around mathematics, only those who understand numbers and their application will be able to excel well in life. Use the advantage of the internet to be ahead of your colleagues.
The Truth is, mathematics is difficult (that's what you want to hear) but so is life, you know the beautiful thing is, as difficult as life, people always find a way through, so it is with mathematics. I want you to make up your mind that 'I am' going to find a way through this huddle between me being who I have always dreamt and pray for or to give up on my dream.
Guess what if the crop of achievers you have always heard of or read about gave up, you won't be enjoying the benefits available in our days right now; therefore I am putting to you that you can afford not to leave or not to simplify what is on ground for generations coming to benefit from.
I call on every on every interested in numbers, let's help you to help our world!
Otor Kenneth
The Truth is, mathematics is difficult (that's what you want to hear) but so is life, you know the beautiful thing is, as difficult as life, people always find a way through, so it is with mathematics. I want you to make up your mind that 'I am' going to find a way through this huddle between me being who I have always dreamt and pray for or to give up on my dream.
Guess what if the crop of achievers you have always heard of or read about gave up, you won't be enjoying the benefits available in our days right now; therefore I am putting to you that you can afford not to leave or not to simplify what is on ground for generations coming to benefit from.
I call on every on every interested in numbers, let's help you to help our world!
Otor Kenneth
Waoh, i thought it was a about nature which is all Art represent. Nice to know that they similarity.